
To ensure that NOS remain relevant for today and the future they need to be periodically reviewed. If we fail to do this they will become out of date and lose their effectiveness in enabling people to gain the right skills and knowledge to work in the industry.

To do this we need to engage with people who work in the industry and can offer their expertise. Volunteers will be asked to review and comment on existing standards and help to develop new standards where required. They may be invited to attend virtual meetings and face to face meetings when this becomes possible. Otherwise contact will be though email, Skype/Teams/Zoom, phone, website and social media.

Review and development work will take place over the Summer with a wider consultation during Autumn followed by final industry sign-off. The revised NOS will then be submitted for approval and will be available for use from early next year.

If you would like to offer your expertise just click on the relevant project below for more information.


NOS to be reviewed during 2022/2023:


Man in a warehouse